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Getting Back Into It

What we've been up to:

As you might have noticed, we didn't do our weekly update last week, which was for a few reasons. Other deadlines and projects were being finished and also, as you can see, we've upgraded our website. Time for a change to suit our ever evolving organisation. This week, we've been catching up and putting things back into place again for Let Highlights, which feels great to be honest.

The highlight of the week has been finding out about and sitting down with someone from an organisation called Groundwork. They currently have a scheme that provides everyday upgrades to your houses for free, like suitable LED lights and radiator panels; they also help people to find the right advice and assist in funding applications too.

They'll be working with us to visit community hubs and organisations to do just that. They'll have a chat and a sit down with people, and help them to find what they're looking for, when it comes to ways of saving money at home.

W-T-W latest news:

As Britain braces for a potential heatwave, new research has found that warmer temperatures can be a living hell for many vulnerable people. Figures from the Warm This Winter campaign reveal that 4.5m (8% of the population) have been so hot in their home that it has made them unwell in the last 12 months, dubbed the ‘Hot House Syndrome’.

The same people who suffer from damp, mouldy homes in winter are stifled in summer when the sun comes out.

“That’s because the solutions to keep us warm in the colder weather are the same as keeping us cool in summer. Better insulation, ventilation and even heat pumps that can operate in a cooling mode can all help. But the public need financial support to upgrade their homes.” Fiona Waters, Spokesperson for W-T-W. - Latest News



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